I know we don't normally post on Sunday as we are usually at church and with friends and family, but I just wanted to put a quick blurb on here clarifying a few common misconceptions.
- When we post up a project or a recipe on this site, we are NOT labeling it as bad. The purpose of this site is not to rate the original pin, the purpose of this site is to show that we all make mistakes and that we can learn from other people's mistakes. Combined we can all help each other out. Luckily we get to laugh along the way as well. We have had some upset comments the past little bit saying that just because a project went wrong doesn't mean the project is bad and that they are frustrated to see us condemning the pin. We try so very hard to not condemn any pin (unless it really doesn't work...like the Glow in the Dark Mt. Dew), and we will try even harder to not give the impression that just because we showcase Pinstrosities that the originals were bad to begin with because, again, that is NOT what we are trying to do.
- And we again want to reiterate the fact that we do not post up any comments that we receive that contain profanity, vulgarity, rudeness towards anyone, etc. In fact...we do have this notice with our comment boxes: "Comments containing vulgarity, profanity, and/or attacks on writers/readers/commenters/submitters will not be published. Please consider the feelings of others (readers, writers, submitters, etc.) before you post." Constructive criticism, extra tips, kind corrections, etc are welcome. Things that are so disheartening to see (and which are not published): "What kind of idiot would think...", "They're stupid for doing...", etc. Please please please be kind in your comments for the sake of everyone that visits the site. And if you do have a criticism, tip, or suggestion...please read through the post first. We can't tell you how many times we get "You didn't mention doing x, y, or z to fix this" when we indeed did mention x, y, and z.
- Content is submitted from people all over the world. We are not the ones doing every single project. We try to test projects as needed and as possible so that we can give more pertinent feedback on how to fix something, but the photos and stories are not all our own. This is a joint resource to help troubleshoot problems and to giggle at mess-ups and to share fun stories. It makes us laugh and shake our head when we receive emails or comments along this line: "You two are terrible crafters/bakers! How do you manage to mess everything up? Maybe you should do something else with your life." I think that people just don't read anymore (and can be a little mean). Or perhaps this is something that we are not very clear about? Are we clear on that or could we be more clear? And, by the way...if you're still reading this...honestly, a huge high five to you and if I could I'd give you an ice cream cone (I LOVE ice cream cones) because reading anything longer than a text message is not a common accomplishment anymore these days.
Moral of the post...be kind and read. I do hope that everyone has a lovely Sunday where ever you are and whatever you are doing. Stay tuned this week for more Pinstrosities, submitted to us by our wonderful readers who tried out awesome pins and whom I sure will receive scores of upbeat and helpful comments.