Thursday, September 26, 2013

S'more Pinstrosities Headed Your Way!

We just had a s'mores activity with the girls at church and it got me curious to see what submissions we have that had anything to do with s'mores. There are quite a few! Enough actually that if I put them all in one post, it would take forever to load and look through. So, I decided that I'd do a post with some of the submissions, and then in subsequent weeks I can do s'more. you didn't see that line coming. Just kidding, I'm sure you saw it coming and that you're completely prepared for s'more of my hilariousness. 

Well, I'll leave off the late night humor (I really shouldn't write posts late at night...or maybe I should do s'more of them at night, but then they may be a little loopy) and get to the part of the post that you actually came here to see. 

Original Pin #1:
S'mores Dessert Pizza, with a graham cracker crust. That looks so fun and yummy! 
Brooke tried this pin out and this is what she had to say:
"My roommate and I tried making this delicious looking s'mores pizza. Unfortunately we only had colored marshmallows, no marshmallow fluff (so we tried making our own) and not enough time to let the dough rise. Also, all of the chocolate chips burnt instead of melting. We were super excited to see and eat our bound-to-be-beautiful creation."

Pinstrosity #1:
"No words can describe the horror we felt when we took it out of the oven. We stood in silence just staring numbly at the pan. After like 5 whole minutes of silence we both dropped to the floor laughing like hyenas on nitrous oxide gas. Then we ate it. We ate it all. It was delicious. "

Original Pin #2
Brenna had this to say about her experience: "Looks fantastic doesn't it? I had really high hopes because Christmas is coming around the corner with bonfires and cute nights with the family this would be a great idea right? Well i followed the directions to the dot made sure everything was right even used normal flour, everything to the dot. When it got down to it, the dough became really sticky and not anything like her pictures portrayed. It didn't spread very well and the amount wasn't enough to divide it in half and use for a top layer. My mom and I added more gram crackers to the dough after we had attempted the bottom layer in hopes that it would spread easy. Well it didn't. It barely covered the fluff. The one thing she did write was to microwave the fluff to help it spread and that made it really easy. But the dough was just terrible. We attempted to put some oil on the dough to spread it some which helped with the bottom layer but it just didn't work."

Pinstrosity #2
"Though in the end the tasted wonderful and we will be making them again with some slight improvements. "

Original Pin #3
S'mores cupcakes! Sydnie tells this story:
"So I found this recipe on pinterest.... You know how it goes. Saturday we were having a church pot luck and I wanted to bring something fantastic, so I tried these brownie cupcakes. Let's just say it didn't quite work. I followed the directions, and baked them at 325 for 25 minutes. and this is what I got:"

Pinstrosity #3
"The marshmallow not only bubbled out of the brownie onto the pan, but then completely dissolved into the brownie, leaving me with really hard/chewy brownie muffins. I found someone else's pin and they said that they only baked theirs for 20 minutes. I also think that I maybe should have splurged for a better brownie mix. I was in a hurry and just opted for the super cheap store brand one. In conclusion, I would like to give these a 4 on the GCT fail scale. My husband tried them and said that they tasted good, if you could ignore the hard chewy texture."

And of course, no s'more post would be complete without a s'mores cookie. 

Original Pin #4
Tonight I just had my first peanut butter s'more. It's a regular s'more, only you smear PB on one of the grahams before assembling. It's amazing! Never going back to plain s'mores again. So this cookie sounds absolutely heavenly. Andrea thought so too and gave it a try. 

Pinstrosity #4

"The cookies would have been good had the marshmallows not exploded into a sticky mess, making them impossible to eat! "

Even though these pin tests didn't turn out quite like our submitters hoped, they sure make me want to go and make me s'more marshmallow/graham/chocolate/PB goodness to eat. Maybe I should just get me a glass of milk and then go to bed. But, if you give a pregnant lady of glass of milk, she's liable to just want s'more. Or s'mores. Or watermelon with ranch dressing. 

(just kidding on that last part...thankfully I haven't had any bizarre cravings)