Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Calling all pinners!!!

It's that time again Pinners...
We need your submissions!!!
We at Pinstrosity (Marquette and Emilee) need YOU to send us the Pinterest Projects you have tried out. The good, the bad, AND the ugly!
We are a reader generated blog; we use YOUR submissions to run this blog! We do our own pins every now and then but seeing as we both have families (Marquette is expecting in November!), jobs, and I'm in school, we just don't have the time to craft, cook, and experiment enough to generate for the blog ALL the time. This is where YOU come in! And, honestly, I think that it makes the blog more interesting. We love your stories, your input, and your suggestions!
Please send your tested pins (good OR bad) to:

Please include:
 Your name, (just your first name is fine)
The original pin you went off of
A picture of your finished project
And any details,  pictures of the process, stories, mishaps, ideas, or other pins that may have inspired you etc.
*Please make sure you send us the original link to the project you got your idea from. We like to make sure credit is given where credit is due!*
**If you have written about your pin on your own personal blog and would like us to use that story that is fine too. Please just make sure we have all the proper links and permission to do so.**
So start crafting, cooking, attempting, creating, and submitting!!
We look forward to hearing from you!
The Pinstrositeers