Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mug Shot

Em here, I'm writing tonight while Marquette recovers! She is a doll, and hasn't been doing so hot the last day or so, so send her your positive vibes, and get-well-soon wishes! Tonight we are featuring the ol' sharpie decorating a mug myth. Check it out!

The Original

The Pinstrosity

Kelly followed the directions, decorating the ceramic mug with a black Sharpie, baking it at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. She even took the extra precaution of waiting 24 hours before letting her hubby use it. But to no avail...after he finished drinking his morning joe much of the design had rubbed off, and then when Kelly washed it the rest came off without putting up a fight.
How to fix this:
Don't use a Sharpie.
Harsh I know, but a Sharpie would really only work if this was a "un-fired", or porous ceramic mug, and even then it might only stay a bit longer than seen here. I would suggest using a marker that is specially tailored to ceramic, such as the Vitrea brand markers, or buy a ceramic art kit already all put together, which you can find at most craft stores. 

I am no Sharpie expert so I can't tell you why this particular project doesn't work other than I am sure it has something to do with the clear glaze put on top of most ceramic wear. If anyone has had some awesome success with this, please let us know your secret!
Happy Wednesday!
