Saturday, January 12, 2013

Penny for Your Thoughts?

Welp...this is the second time this week I have chosen hanging out with my mother over getting my Pinstrosity post up on time...but if you knew my mom you'd completely understand why that's not even a hard mom is awesome. Not that y'all aren't, but I'm pretty partial to that wonderful lady. It's fun to live where we can spend a day together every so often. So those days that I'm absent or quite late in getting up my post I'm probably either out with the worlds greatest woman or I'm distracted by something orange (have I mentioned I love orange? I do. I've loved it my whole's kinda fun to have it in style right now because I can actually find orange stuff)...or possibly both, like the other day when I went shopping with her and drooled over an awesome orange skirt. 

Today's Pinstrosity makes me think of my mother a little actually. She really loves copper (and I inherited that love). They have a copper colored metal room on their home and it's gorgeous. Whenever I see a shiny pretty penny, I think of her. So why does that make me think of my mom? Here's why:

The Original Pin
A penny covered tabletop/desk. It's really pretty and fun! I've seen this done with floors too and it looks awesome. But I'm not the only one who thinks so...Sandy thought so as well and decided to take this project on for her table. She called her 8-year-old twins to come help and glue and pennies went all over the table...only not quite in the neat and orderly fashion as you see above. Take a look:

The Pinstrosity

Sandy said, "...they put too much glue, it dried opaque and awful, and we forgot to alternate the pennies to fit into each other...we laid them directly on top layer by layer instead of nestling the next penny a row above into the space between two it way too much space in between (for more of that glue to show through!) Awful and hilarious!"

I'm not sure what happened to the table after this...Sandy never said. But it looks like they had quite the finishing project ahead of them whether they tried to finish the penny top or if they had to scrape them off and refinish the table after. I've been wanting to try doing this, but I'll admit I'm a little chicken. It looks so pretty though...maybe someday I'll get up the guts to try it out. 

We're always telling you to not be afraid and to let your creativity flow...but this may just be one project that you shouldn't improvise on too much unless you really just know what you're doing (which is probably why I'm not following my own advice and I'm afraid to try this out). Maybe I'll just start small with a serving tray or something and get the hang of it there. If you're wanting to try this out, definitely read up on the full directions. Two good posts with instructions on how to do this are:


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I think it's time for me to graduate from penny shingles to a penny covered to find the perfect serving tray to test it out on. What have you covered in pennies?