Today we have a Pinstrosity from Amy, and I have some good news, and some bad news. The good news I have just finished this project! The bad news is, mine turned out like Amy's...check it out.
The Original
**After a Google search of the original source, this is what I found, if anyone has another source I would be more than happy to give credit where credit is due!**
The Pinstrosity
So this is pretty much what mine looked like, except different colors, and my leaves were smaller ( I will save you from having to look at more of my projects lol, I am sure you are sick of it by now). Here is where I went wrong, Amy didn't really tell us much about her project but I will explain my woes in an attempt to save our Pinstrosipeeps some trouble here.
-The original shows to use regular paint on the bottom, I am going to venture that using spray paint really won't have too much of a different effect than that (that's what I used).
-Let it completely dry before putting the leaves on, or it will smudge your paint.
-Choose larger heavier leaves, they stick better.
*I haven't had good luck with spray adhesive, not impressed in the least, and I have the good stuff, so I didn't try it out on this. I did try a glue stick, but that didn't work on the leaves for whatever reason, hence the reason you need the heavier leaves. Amy had the same problem.*
-Spray paint your canvas, you may need to hold the leaves with your hands here and there.
*Spray paint comes off skin with rubbing alcohol and a good scrub*
-Small sewing pins may work to hold the leaves as well, but with that you will need to be prepared to fill in the holes.
-And from personal experience don't do this RIGHT before it rains, even if you are being fast and trying not to get rained on, even one rain drop kind of ruins the whole effect.
Has anyone else had good/bad luck with this one?
Amy's doesn't look bad, but she said she didn't like it so much for having a Pinterest perfect project eh?
Amy's doesn't look bad, but she said she didn't like it so much for having a Pinterest perfect project eh?
Happy Friday!!!