Monday, July 2, 2012

Holy Chocolate Balls!

So I know it's like 8 P.M. and I didn't post till right sorry, it was a crazy day! But alas, my house is clean! Three cheers for motivation! Anyways, when I checked out our email to see what we had received as of late, there were several awesome entries, but THIS one looked the most delicious, so I picked you Jamie! Awesome, P.S. Jamie is a great story teller most of this is all her, but I digress! Here is your Pinstrosity for today!

The Original

The Pinstrosity

First off, do you see why I call them "Holy  Chocolate Balls"? Look at that heavenly mess! Purely angelic! Oh goodness. By the way the REAL name for these delectable's are Peanut Butter Graham Cracker Balls (my title is more exciting right? right?) Our lovely Jamie followed the directions exactly! But there is a few holes in the recipe that needed some tweaking. Jamie did the foot work herself and let us know exactly what went wrong in her email:

"The recipe is pretty straight forward. Mix two ingredients together, form into balls, freeze, dip in chocolate, roll in chocolate chips, done. Sounds simple, right? Well, kinda. As I was mixing the two ingredients together, about half of the graham cracker crumbs ended up in mine, my  husband's, and my baby's mouth. Commence more grinding of graham crackers. So NOW I have my mixture of peanut butter and graham crackers. The recipe didn't say what size balls they should be (first issue here, carry on) I was generous and created whopping 1" balls. The allotted amounts of ingredients with this size ball gave me 16 balls instead of 24. Whatever, it's less for us to eat (great reasoning). I put them in the freezer for an hour.
The next part of the process requires those 10 invisible hands you don't have. When the chocolate was melted, I took all the balls out, stuck a toothpick in the first one and ate it. Oops. Ok, so I stuck the toothpick in the second one and dipped it in the chocolate. You need one hand to hold the toothpick, one hand to keep the bowl still and one hand to cover the ball in chocolate because the chocolate was too thick  (problem number two, we will address at the end) to move the ball around without it falling apart. Getting it covered was semi difficult and pulling it out of the chocolate was hard but possible. I immediately put it in the little, adorable, miniature chocolate chips and needed one hand to hold on to the toothpick, one hand to spoon the chips on it and one hand to keep the bowl still. Once the ball was "complete", it was freaking heavy and almost 3" wide but I managed to get it to the plate successfully.This process took time and the farther I got, the more I realized it was harder to keep the balls together. Here is what I learned and what was missing from the recipe....

1. Make the balls less than an inch because they will quadruple in size by the end. (As we saw in the picture, I mean look at them compared to the plate! Holy Chocolate Balls!)

2. Only pull a few balls out from the freezer at a time to cover in chocolate because as they sit out, they lose their firmness, fall apart and make it impossible to cover in chocolate.

Those were Jamie's suggestions here are a few we thought up as well.

3. Add milk to the chocolate to make it not so thick, it also depends on the type of chocolate your using. If you are using candy bar chocolate it is going to be THICK. If you use bakers chocolate it shouldn't get to thick, but again, nothing a little milk and stirring can't easily fix.

Marquette here with an added note (which I also put in the comments). Emilee asked me a few days ago what I do to thin chocolate when I use it and I generally use the shortening method, but I know there are other methods out there. In fact, here's a link with various methods (which include the double broiler, the shortening, milk, cream, etc). 

4. These can be done by yourself, but these seem to be better served by two, plus it's always fun to cook with a friend :)

 In conclusion, Jamie said that they rocked! Delicious! Another awesome party desert that done with the right little tweaks could be delightful to make as well as to eat!
