Saturday, July 14, 2012

Canvas Quotes

Love that witty title? wit here today. I've been sitting here thinking for 10 minutes just on the title and finally gave up. Oh well. 

Marquette here. Em's headed out of town, so I'm taking over for her for a few days. This has been a busy summer for us both! Anyway, we've got a double Pinstrosity for you this evening! Two different pins, but one same general idea. The Canvas Quote. 

The Original Pins
Subway art, printables, and framed quotes are way in right now, and why buy your own when you can make them? Well, that's what Ariel and Skylar thought when they jumped into their projects. The idea seems easy enough (are those red flag words, or what?!), put the letters on the canvas, paint over them, pull letters off. Well...

The Pinstrosities
"Let your faith be bigger than your fear."

"You are Beautiful"

"I want to be the one to walk in the sun"
Skylar, who made the top canvas quote ("Let your Faith be Bigger than your Fear"), summed up his problem in one sentence, telling us, "the black spray paint leaked through the letters...... not defined at all." Ariel had somewhat the same problem with her first quote. She tells us that she just did the "look and go strategy" the first time (the "You are Beautiful" quote), and didn't use a canvas (looks like maybe a metal tray?) and she also used regular paint with a brush, which didn't really work out at all. When she went back and read the directions (oh the directions...those pesky an older sibling saying "I told you so!") she tried again (the walk in the sun quote) and this time used a canvas and spray paint, with much more success. 

So lesson number 1, read the directions (that seems to be a common theme...but we know we all do it) and use the right supplies (but at the same time, props to Ariel for just jumping in and seeing what she could come up with on her own...I do love people who will dive in head first and let their creativity work through).

But how to fix the bleeding through problem. As Megan over at the Brassy Apple says in her Canvas Quote post, there isn't a magic fix to this, but she does give some great ideas on how to try to minimize the running and bleeding of the paint.

"1) hold your paint can further away from the letters. this means more coats of paint but possibly less bleeding underneath. 
2) Some of my paint did bleed a bit but I had better success when the canvas was "treated" and not a brand new "slick" canvas. The one I covered with fabric I had the best success with. The contact paper "grabbed" onto the fabric better.
3) Here's a gal that tried my tutorial and had GREAT success! notice they type of canvas or artwork she started with too! I hope this tips help! "