Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Lumps of Coal...a Little Too Black

DIY gifts are so fun! The time and energy put into them makes them dear to our hearts. Which I think is why when one turns into a Pinstrosity, it's extra frustrating or funny. 

Jessica decided to put together lumps of coal goodies to give out to friends. In her email she said, "I would like to submit my ultimate failure...that 20+ of my gift recipients felt the sting of."
photo and tutorial by
"As you can see, the original post/pin didn't say HOW MUCH black food coloring to I guessed.  And....I put in WAY TOO MUCH!  The picture is of my baby girls smile after eating it.  Not only did it turn the mouth black but the only thing you could taste as you ate it (and after you ate it) was food coloring!"


I experienced this once with frosting on a Minnie Mouse cake. The bakery used a ton of black food coloring and that was all anyone could taste on the whole cake and all of us had black mouths. Black food coloring is one thing where a little bit can go a LONG ways!