Monday, August 4, 2014

Back to School Mix It Up

August. It's back to school month! My last first day of school was 5 years ago now, and in some ways I miss it. I like walking around campuses at the beginning of the year. You can feel the excitement, the fear, the freshness, and the fun. Okay, I'm a nerd. I truly love school. Many returned to school today, and more will follow in the weeks to come, so today I thought I would share a few back to school pins I found on Pinterest. Enjoy.!prettyPhoto-7090/0/


  1. This summer has flown by! I do think the homework thing has gotten out of control, as well as the amount of books kids are carrying around. I see these little kids with gigantic, stuffed backpacks that are half the size of the child, and can't help but wonder what kind of back problems they are going to have by the time they are 20. Plus all the supplies that have to be bought now! Back to school was so much easier in the 1970s!

    1. Homework has gotten out of control. I remember in 7th grade I worked on my work in my classes, on the bus ride home, up through dinner (often eating dinner while I worked or as quick as I could at the table), and then until past midnight. Some nights my mom would come in and tell me I had to go to bed even though my homework wasn't all done and I'd be in tears. I was 11. That was insane. And now younger kids get that kind of homework and that's even more insane. I think some teachers forget how little that still is and what homework is supposed to be for.

    2. I send my 4th grade students home with their agendas and a folder for hw each night and their backpacks are still half their size. Kids are tiny hoarders; 1 had 3 pairs of shoes 2 sweatshirts, 2 lunchboxes, and countless empty water bottles when I finally made her clean it out. I'll do cubbies and desks, backpacks are the parents domain!


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