Em here. So we got this awesome entry from Trina, maybe you have seen it, turning Ivory Soap bars into moon sand. What the awesome, yes please!!! However it, as many crafts and DIY projects are, is a finicky mistress and cannot always be trusted. Check it out!
The Original
The blog explains that this is supposed to be a fun experiment with your kids. They call it a "Soap Cloud", you can play with it, smoosh it to a billion pieces, or smoosh it and then make it into tiny soap bars (complete with fun colors). This stuff really does rock! Anyway, Trina and her kids did this and had some disappointing results.
The Pinstrosity
Trina tells her tale of everything going according to plan, they microwaved it for the appropriate time (see the original blog for full detailed instructions), took it out to play with and mold into shapes, and that is when everything literally fell apart. They pulled it out and smooshed it, but it didn't do anything but fall apart. Her kids played with it for maybe 2 minutes and had had their fill she said. Bummer city. The directions say to smoosh it, then put it into a food processor which makes it fine enough to be made into tiny bath soaps, seen here:
Trina missed that line, and ended up with lots of crumbly soap, a house that smelled oh so fresh, (and not necessarily in a good way, she said the smell lingered and was STRONG, headache STRONG).
However if done properly, these would make great tub crayons! With the simple adjustment of making sure that after it is microwaved it is put in the food processor, you can add color (food coloring), and then place them in cookie cutters and let them sit and dry in order to harden for just a few days, and voila!! Tub magic!!
Let us know how this one pans out. Did your kids like it? Was the smell worth the adventure? We love your feedback so tell us your tales! Happy Thursday!!