Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Jell-Oh No! Snacks

I love when we're visiting my nephews and they want fruit snacks. One for nephew. One for me. One for nephew. One for me. It works out quite well in my opinion. I almost bought me my own box of fruit snacks the other day. I don't know why I didn't...I should have. In fact, they sound really really good right now. If I were brave like Hannah, I'd try to make my own. 

Who is Hannah you ask? Hannah is today's awesome submitter, and she has a great story for you today. 

Back in early December, Hannah was craving some fruit snacks, but was locked in by the weather. Good thing she had seen a pin on Pinterest with instructions on how to make your own at home!

The Original Pin
Aren't those pretty?! Mmmm. 

Here's how Hannah's attempt turned out:

The Pinstrosity

Here is what she had to say about this:

Fail #1: Not knowing the difference between plain gelatin and Jell-O mix. The recipe called for a 3-ounce package of cherry Jell-O, which I didn’t have, and because I’m snowed/iced in today I wasn’t going to go out and buy it. Instead, I used 3 ounces of plain gelatin. I didn’t realize until afterward that Jell-O mix has way less gelatin in it than 3 ounces.
Fail #2: The gelatin itself. We have this generic bulk gelatin in our cupboard that I think we got from  an Amish store in Oklahoma. When I put it in the pan with the water, I immediately began to smell it cooking. It smelled like a barnyard. And then it hit me, this gelatin smelled likeHORSES. I’ve had the argument before with people who say gelatin is made out of horse/cow hooves, and my opinion so far has been that it CANNOT be true. But, my friends, you are looking at a horse-gelatin convert.
I’m scarred for life. That stuff smelled like HORSES. I put in Kool-Aid flavoring to keep it from deterring my plans, but I still can’t get the smell out of my head.
Fail #3: The clean-up. After having recovered from the horse smell, I let the mixture dissolve in the pan and prepared to empty the contents into a Tupperware container. As soon as I took it off the stove, however, it was already setting in the pan. I hurried to get it all out, but most of it stuck to EVERYTHING. It was like this stuff called Goooze that was really popular in the early 2000s, you could play with it like Play-Doh but it was more like an amoeba than dough.
Yet another non-food comparison that wasn’t making these horse-hide fruit snacks very appetizing. Anyway, when I finally got the most of it in the container, I tried to wash off the utensils and pan the best I could. And when I tell you the stuff was not coming off, it would’ve taken the government of an entire country to exile that stuff out of the pan. I had hot water running and Bon Ami in the pan and it wasn’t coming off!! My mom finally put the pan back on the stove and got it to come off, but I’m never making fruit snacks this way again.
Fail #4: The finished product does not cut well. Instead it kind of stayed in this plastic-like sheet when I peeled it out of the plastic container. My mom got the idea to cut it with scissors because our knife wasn’t working. When it came out it looked like a mousepad. When we cut it, it looked like a cut up horse-hoof-gelatin mousepad. Not delicious fruit snacks. :(
Fail #5: Not edible. As mentioned above, the stuff didn’t even cut with a sharp knife. We tried eating it and the taste wasn’t so bad, but it was like chewing on dense rubber, like those little sticky hands you get out of the gumball machine. Not that I’ve eaten sticky hands from a gumball machine, but I got the full experience today. Ugh.
Needless to say, I was disappointed. And will be staying away from gelatin for a while. At least until I can forget the barnyard smell that was wafting from my kitchen.
Eat real fruit, guys. It’s easier. It’s cleaner. It’s less horsing around. 
No longer horsing around with homemade fruit snacks,
Hannah H.http://secondhandpoem.wordpress.com/2013/12/07/pinterest-fail-of-the-year/

If we hadn't used all our unflavored gelatin for making jellies and syrups in October (love me some prickly pear jelly!), I'd run in the kitchen and try this out myself right now. Perhaps I'll have to pick up gelatin while I'm in town tomorrow, because this sounds yummy!