So this little decor didn't start out as a Pinstrosity, but it certainly ended up that way...Check it out!
The Original
Martha Stewart Living shows a cute way to store dish soap, not so tacky in the original packaging eh? A fun way to store a kitchen necessity!
All was well until about a week after I filled up my bottle...
The Pinstrosity
Kind of a boring picture i know but the point is, there is NO SOAP coming out!! It's been that way for a month or so now, and well I am too lazy to change bottles, so I just pop the top off and use it anyways...
The problem, either the soap is too thick, or the metal top rusted, but there is no soap coming out! At one point I shook the bottle hard upside down and then angrily put it back on top of the sink, then an awful air sucking noise came out and a huge chunk of dried soap popped out the top. I think that the soap is too thick, and gets stuck in the top and dries, so then nothing comes out. So For future reference, this type of container is no good. Try one f the olive oil containers that has a removable lid of some sort to save yourself the trouble.
I would like to add that I am using Dawn Dish Soap, I am not sure if just this soap is too thick or if most soaps will do this, but I thought it was worth mentioning!
All the more reason to NOT do dishes right?
Happy Monday Pinstrosipeeps!