Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Useless Ice

Scrolling through people's boards to find pins to test for when we are out of submissions (nudge nudge...we could use some Pinstrosity submissions...) I found the following:

The Original Pin

Cool, no? I had to try it.

The Pinstrosity

Ok, this one's not technically a Pinstrosity, because it worked just like the instructions said it would...but once it was formed up...this was the most ridiculous cup. It held such a small amount of liquid...more like a large shot glass, it made my hand really cold, and then the heat from my hand melted the "glass" faster and I had water running down to my elbow and it made the cup super slippery. So I thought, I'll just stick it back in the mug and use it as a cool ice cube...well that worked, but it was kinda lame too since you just can't get much liquid in there anyway. get an ice cup, just like the directions indicate, but it's kinda pointless and it makes such a mess as it melts! Regular ice cubes are way easier and much more practical. But if I were a kid, I probably would have thought this was the coolest thing ever.