Thursday, October 1, 2015

The New Pinstrosity


We've missed you all! We are so excited to be back here with you. It has been a long and hard Pinstrosity break. Do you ever love something so much that you can't possibly imagine your life without it, and yet at the same time have no ounce of oomph left in you to make that thing a daily reality? That's what happened to us.

We have taken a step back (and for that we thank you for your patience), we have reevaluated what we want from Pinstrosity, where we are going and how we will do this, and we can honestly say that we are really excited about our new adventure. Things will be different, but rest assured that it's still just goofy ole' us. In fact as this is being typed up one of us is sitting here typing with bedhead and they haven't brushed their teeth yet, and the other just is in pj's eating a popsicle for breakfast. See? We're not scary. We’re not high maintenance. We’re just two DIY obsessed BFF's who live normal lives and moonlight as witty superhero bloggers.

This new blog is a lot of things for us. It's an outlet for our creative juices, an escape from our 9-5's, a place to experiment and try new things, and at times a place to discover who we are (because we've decided in our vast experience of twenty-something years that who you are is always evolving). We've found when looking for such place it would be so easy to look for a hole between two people in which to insert yourself (i.e. between the lazy college grad who watches too much TV and eats copious amounts of hot Cheetos and the uber professional blogster who lives and breathes the blog world and aims to make it big via the interwebs). That path seems easy, and at the same time is just like a puzzle piece in the wrong box. It just doesn't fit. If you can't find a spot fit perfectly for your unique you-ness, then you'll just have to carve one out yourself.

This is our carved out little hole. We don't quite fit in line with everybody else, and guess what? That is more than ok, that is awesome. We are here carving out our own spot in the world.  I have a feeling that there are more of us out there “carving” than we like to lead on. So break out the chisels peeps! We are back and our new spot looks phenomenal.

Let’s do this!

So, you're probably wondering what the "new" Pinstrosity is going to be. What are we changing? What are we keeping the same? What's going on?

Let us walk you through! We're a DIY/Pinterest "Fail" (we're not super fond of that term, but that's a whole 'nother post later on)/Life Lessons blog. Sure, it's a weird combination, but it works!

1. We'll start with the obvious. The blog look/design. We wanted something different from what we had before.

There was so much white, and we got tired of red. We chose those to mimic the Pinterest colors and font but we decided it was time to make this blog ours and to incorporate us into it...not just Pinterest. We wanted color. We wanted fun. We wanted a header that wasn't a perspective drawing trainwreck.

And so when we decided to rebrand/relaunch, we knew we needed help from someone who's much much better at this than we are. Enter Llisel Richins! She's a graphic design graduate and is fabulous. Everything she touches turns to the cutest gold you've ever seen. She comes from a talented family!

She was fabulous to work with. We didn't know exactly what we wanted, so we created a Pinterest board with blog aspects we liked and sent it over. She pulled the ideas into cohesion, was so sweet when we changed our mind about dots, and did a beautiful job.

2. Pinstrosity/Pinterest Fail Submissions
This we will keep! This is where we started, this is why you all came here in the first place. It would be stupid (and BORING!!) to get rid of that. We still want to see your Pinterest project submissions! This has become somewhat of a community or a support group for people who's lives aren't Pinterest perfect. But...that's okay! Life isn't supposed to be Pinterest perfect!

3. Speaking of...our new "motto". Pinstrosity is no longer just about the "Pinterest Projects Gone Wild". It's about life! And you know what? Life isn't Pinterest perfect, and neither are we! It's okay to be human. It's okay if your house doesn't look like Pinterest built it. It's okay if your kids go to school not with the Pinterest designed lunches, but with PB&J's on pancakes because you realized after breakfast that you're out of bread and pancakes just have to do. It's okay to have a bad hair day. It's okay to repeat Day 3 of the exercise regime you pinned for 2 weeks in a row because you keep skipping a day (or week). It's okay to not compete with what you see on Social Media. Because that isn't real life. Pinterest is there to inspire, not conspire against you.

4. Jumping off the new motto, is where the rest of the blog will come in. We are expanding from just Pinstrosities and Pinterest projects to a wider scope on life. We want to share more of our lives with you. Not because we have super amazing and exciting lives. We have pretty normal everyday lives. But in reality, that's most of us! And it's okay! We want to share what we're learning, recipes we love (found on Pinterest or in our Grandmother's recipe box), apartment living, Pinterest projects we try, and just general life. Our real lives. Our usually not Pinterest Perfect lives. We love Pinterest, but we don't aspire to be Pinterest. That's just not who we are, and we're okay with that.

We're so glad you're here with us and we can't wait to start showing you more of our life, more Pinstrosity submissions, and more of our awesomeness   weirdness ...whatever we are.

- Marquette and Emilee