Saturday, March 22, 2014

Show and Tell Saturday: St. Patrick's Day Decor

As Emilee mentioned on Wednesday, we had a St. Patrick's Day dinner with corned beef, cabbage, colcannon, and then everyone else brought green foods to go along! We had curry (with green peppers and zucchini in it), cream soda with real whipped cream on top (to look like ale as we are a "dry house"), guacamole chips, sherbet punch, and a salad. It was a lot of fun to visit with everyone and stuff ourselves.

Before the party though I figured our table needed a little updating in the decor department! I was pretty pleased that I was able to pull this of using only items we already had in the house! Hooray for Use it Up projects!
I searched my house and craft storage for anything green, gold, or white and really like how it pulled together.
Sifted through my buttons and beads and beans and found white glass/plastic pearls, split peas, green beads, gold buttons, and tiny gold seed beads. I like how this ended up!

Just a small piece of green ribbon and two pearl head pins and the candle was ready!

Used more gold buttons, some green glass marbles, and then a few white flowers from an unfinished fall project for the cup.

Next, I went through my Christmas ornaments and found one more green ornament and a ton of gold ornaments, so I threw those in my trifle bowl, added some Celtic-ish looking ribbon to the outside and it was done! Then I switched out the copper ribbon bow for a green ribbon bow on my acorn topiary.

The last little touch of green festivity was added to the piano/entry way. I cut out a shamrock from green scrapbook paper, pasted it onto one of the old book pages (I previously rescued a book from the trash bin and am slowly using it for crafts), and then found the cool green over-sized clothespin I got at my friends baby shower. It was perfect!

And then I just wrapped the piano bench with fabric from my stash. It shifts around, but it does the job.

What Use it Up projects are you doing? Send them our way and we'll feature them in our upcoming Use it Up week!