I get in food ruts FAST.
I will love a food, cook it a million times in a month and then be done with it for 3 years. Its a serious problem. Poor Chip.
I will love a food, cook it a million times in a month and then be done with it for 3 years. Its a serious problem. Poor Chip.
Then along comes Pinterest! This week I thought I would shake it up a bit with a few new recipes! Here's what I ended up using.
Recipe #1
Monday-Spinach, Mushroom & Feta Crustless Quiche
Monday-Spinach, Mushroom & Feta Crustless Quiche
Monday we had Quiche that I got from this website called Budget Bytes. This website is cool because they break down the cost of each ingredient and how much each serving costs you, if you are on a budget and looking for good recipes, this gal has got it figured out!
I forgot to take a picture of ours, but it really just looked like a quiche, the ONLY change I made to the recipe was that I added Canadian bacon to the whole thing at the end before I sprinkled it with cheese. It was super easy to make, fast to put together, and delightful :)
I forgot to take a picture of ours, but it really just looked like a quiche, the ONLY change I made to the recipe was that I added Canadian bacon to the whole thing at the end before I sprinkled it with cheese. It was super easy to make, fast to put together, and delightful :)
Recipe #2
Tuesday-Big Italian Hug
This one is officially called Creamy Spinach & Sausage Pasta, but someone on Pinterest pinned it as Big Italian Hug and I liked it, so it stuck.
This one is also by Budget Bytes, and it was awesome! Seriously, so good!
I didn't make any changes to this one and it turned out great and didn't take too long!
Recipe #2
Tuesday-Big Italian Hug
This one is officially called Creamy Spinach & Sausage Pasta, but someone on Pinterest pinned it as Big Italian Hug and I liked it, so it stuck.
This one is also by Budget Bytes, and it was awesome! Seriously, so good!
I didn't make any changes to this one and it turned out great and didn't take too long!
Here is my poorly lit version. There's cheese, it's just all mixed together here.
Wednesday we had my sisters recipe for Honey Mustard Chicken, an oldie but a goodie!
Recipe #3
Thursday-Chicken Curry In A Hurry
I haven't gotten too much into Rachel Ray, but she is great, this was quick and it was awesome! We love Indian food, and there is no Indian restaurant here so we have to make our own, I think we did alright :)
This can also be adapted for vegetarian curry, which I did for some friends a few weeks ago, for that change use vegetable broth and tofu instead of chicken. Everything else is the same and it was just as delicious as the non-veggie version.
P.S. This was my first venture at using fresh ginger, I was a bit apprehensive at first because well ginger looks weird, but it wasn't so bad and the taste wasn't as abrasive as I thought it would be.
Yay for trying new things!
Recipe #4
Pizza Hut Delivers, It's Friday Ya'll
That's right, I had something planned for Friday, which I will probably use next week since I already have all of the ingredients, but we got pizza instead.
My compliments to the chef!
There you have it! My week in new recipes from Pinterest! I would call it a great success!
Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!