Nothing too fun on the blog today. With school in full force (mid-terms :/ ) it has been hard for me to craft, BUT I have pinned some fun things I am hoping to get to work on in the next week or so. Hopefully I will have a Show-and-Tell Saturday for you when I post on Saturday again in two weeks!
Today Marquette and I are having an official Pinstrosity meeting, and are wishing Rachel was here with us :(. We have some fun business ventures, new ideas, new posts and new team photos to discuss today!! Should be a good day!
Also, we need your submissions!!!
Send them in pinners!
The good, the bad, the ugly, the horrifying, the unexpectedly great, the Pin Spin, the strange, the amazing!!
We are ALWAYS in need of submissions, but lately our e-mail hasn't been as full as we are hoping for, so get pinning and get trying ladies!
Send your Pinstrosities to we would like your first name, the link to where the original pin came from, your Pinstrosity pictures, and a story (super detailed, or to the point, either way works for us).
Thank you!!
We hope everyone has a great weekend and we will be back in full force Monday!