We did it! We moved! For the 2nd time in 10 months. Ug. But we're here, and we love it already!
This past month has been amazing. Pure chaos and a lot of work, but utterly amazing. We are very strong believers that God has a plan and reason for everything, and watching things just unfold the last few weeks has been incredible. We know this is exactly where we need to be. We don't know why, but we'll figure that out as we go.
We haven't really been able to say much online because things were so unsettled for so long, and because we couldn't let the cat out of the bag. But now we can!
The charter school Cameron worked for this past year has two campuses, but at the end of this school year they decided to close the campus in Winslow. Just as we'd thought we wanted to maybe put down roots there. They offered him a job at their other campus an hour and a half away, which he accepted after a lot of thought.
But that meant moving or an hour and a half commute. And if he commuted, that pretty much meant that we'd need a 2nd car and we couldn't move out of the One Bedroom Wonder. So we knew moving made the most sense.
None of the housing leads we found panned out. Too expensive. Too run down. Not kid-friendly. And nothing felt right. In fact it all felt wrong. We were confused. We knew the job was what Cameron needed to do, but the housing just wasn't working.
And then suddenly the perfect plan and place came out of nowhere. We would live 45 minutes from the school and Cameron would help bus some kids to and from the school each day. This opened up a whole new area to look for housing, and a whole new feeling of hope. I knew something was in the works. This felt good. This felt exciting. This felt right!
We made appointments to look at rentals and excitedly drove over. Each place had it's pros, but each had a lot of cons too. We drove back trying to decide which one was our best option, and feeling a little down about the options. And then we got a phone call from one of our church leaders (who had a rental we'd just looked at). He'd found another possibility for us. So we turned around and went back. He'd found a couple who were just wrapping up a complete remodel of a rental they had, and we rented it on the spot!
"We should have this place ready for you in one week!" I spent the next day and a half packing everything I could and then we packed up and headed south for 4 days for the styled shoot I'd been working on and planning for a while.
Thankfully my sister volunteered to watch Darrow for us, and we returned home Monday night and packed like crazy the next few days and moved on Thursday.
And now we're here! We haven't been here a week yet, and already I'm falling in love with this town and our neighbors. There's a yard for Darrow to play in. We're not all in one bedroom (I can't wait to show you the goofy but awesome kids room)! And we love it here.
So there is a very condensed version of our life the past month! It's truly been crazy, but sitting on this end of things I am in awe of how it all came together. I've learned, I've grown, I've had my faith strengthened, and I'm ready for this next adventure!