February may be the shortest month, but it is chock-full of fun holidays and observances. Groundhog's Day. Valentines Day. National Pancake Week. Girl Scout Cookie Day (how is this NOT a nationally recognized holiday with time off?!). Ice Cream for Breakfast Day. Seriously, February has some awesome holidays. In celebration, we thought we'd center February's theme around all of these holidays.
We want you to do something from Pinterest that has to do with any of February's holidays and/or observances! Where do you find these? There's a great list of month long observances, weekly observances, and daily holidays right here.
Now, what exactly are we asking you to do again?
1. Browse through your Pinterest boards, and then your sister's Pinterest boards, and then your high school BFF's Pinterest boards, and then your cat's previous owner's Pinterest boards, and then even the Official Pinstrosity Challenge Pinterest Board (we'll be adding ideas to it all the time) and find pins that fit the theme that inspire you. They can be food, decor, costumes, aprons, painting color schemes, etc. This month's theme leaves things wide open!
2. Once you've found some pins on Pinterest that inspire you, build on that inspiration! You can follow the pin instructions to a T, or you can just work off your inspiration and go for a Pin Spin.
3. Take a picture of the outcome. We want to see the Pin Wins, Pin Spins, and Pinstrosities!
4. Email us your pictures, the link to the project you were inspired by, and any bit of the story you want to tell. You have until 8:00 AM (MST) on March 1st to send us your February projects.
5. Saturday, March 7th we will do a Round Up post and show you the projects we were sent in. If we have too many for one post, we'll do multiple Show and Tell Saturday posts!
6. All projects submitted as part of the challenge need to have been completed in February 2015. No submitting projects you did last year. The point of this challenge is to get you to actually use Pinterest to inspire your life!
7. Feel free to submit as many times as you want!
NATIONAL BACON DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soo celebrating that one :-)