Thursday, August 9, 2012 the Trash

I do have to say that Oatmeal is my least favorite breakfast food ever. Okay, no I lied...creamed eggs are my least favorite...but oatmeal comes in 2nd. But I know it's good for you, so now that I'm an adult I eat it when it's served. But getting me to eat it as a kid? World War III. Moms try to spruce up oatmeal anyway they can to get that cheap (but nutritious) goop down. We were sent in this Pinstrosity of one way to try and get the goop gobbled up.

The Original Pin 

And here are Becci's Oatmeal Cups. 

The Pinstrosity

Becci says, "Actually, they LOOK really cute but my kids both tried one and thought they were AWFUL and would not eat them! I think the problem is that kids think they will be like muffins and they are super dense and overly moist.... like oatmeal to go I guess. I gave away as many as I could to friends and the rest were oatmeal-to-go-in-the-trash." 

So actually, this pin produced what it said it would...oatmeal to go, but the Pinstrosity part of this was that it was still not kid approved. Honestly, my mind has a hard time not looking at those and imagining muffin taste and texture, I can imagine the kids' reactions. It's just oatmeal in a paper liner. If you like oatmeal though, these are great to make to have on hand for a busy day!