So if you haven't seen our DIY Geode Cake post, you can find that here! I mention it because while my cakes were cooking Manny (my New Mexico BFF) and I made shirts! They were quick, easy and SUPER CUTE!
The whole project cost me $7.88, what?!
I saw this pin a couple months ago and have been saving it for just this occasion!
Unfortunately for us the instructions were in Russian, and seeing as I don't speak Russian we just went off the picture, it seemed pretty straight forward. *Famous last words*
We had our shirts, our paint, some paper, scissors, tape, a pencil, plastic grocery bags, a circle to go off of, and little round sponge brushes.
The hardest part of this project was making the circles even in terms of how far apart they were from each other. We used two pieces of paper taped together and the bottom of a glass as the stencil.
We placed grocery bags inside the shirts to keep the paint from bleeding, we used straight white acrylic craft paint.
After cutting out or circles we taped the stencil to the shirt and started to paint! We mostly went off of the picture, but there is a little bit of artisticness to it. It only took about 20-25 minutes in all and I seriously freaking love this shirt!
We did 4 circles down, 4 circles across. At one point in my life I knew all of the phases of the moon, but that "phase" in my life has come and gone obviously (I know Marquette would know this one!) I have no idea how many phases there are, but the 4x4 method is very aesthetically pleasing, so we went with that.
One thing I would suggest is to make sure you keep your paint within the parameters of your stencil or messy paint gets where it shouldn't. I missed and have two tiny white spots that aren't moon, but I just Sharpie markered over them and we're good to go.
We let them dry for about 2 hours and they were ready to wear!
Now we have BFF t-shirts and we are over the moon excited about them! Oh! I kid, I kid.
This would be a great idea for a birthday party, craft night or quick gift. Super super easy and they look really nice!
Happy Hump Day!!