For the first time in a year, Emilee and I got to spend time together. It was pretty much a live version of "Chicken Soup for the Pinstrosity Soul". There were snow cones, hugs, laughs, late night pizza, amazing root beer, dogs in tutus, a floating lantern, a husband running after the floating lantern to catch it before it went into the trees, hair coloring, real and raw conversations, tulle dresses and skirts, and breakfast burritos. Could it get any better? Only if there'd been more time.
We've both experienced things the last little while that left us feeling drained, uncreative, and unsure of what to do here on the blog. Do people really want to hear our life? Do we really have something worth sharing? Are we doing any good? It's been a bit of a blogging identity crisis after the first few months of the relaunch. I know I have gone through weeks where I felt like I really didn't have anything worth writing about because my life is just not really exciting.
But that time spent together retaught us so much. The whole point of this blog is to remind all of us that life isn't Pinterest Perfect, and it doesn't have to appear so to be worth living and sharing. We don't have to have fast paced, mountain climbing, world traveling, daily DIYing lives before we have anything worthy to share or find joy in.
What we do have is our journey. Our journey through life. Our journey through adulthood. Our journey through marriage. Our journey through family. Our journey through creativity. And you know what. They are amazing journeys. Just like yours! No journey is too ordinary, too mundane, or too "normal". Every journey has growth, and every journey has joy. Sometimes the joy is easy, and sometimes we have to really work to make it. But it's there.
And that is what we are excited to share with you and experience with you. We want to share in your joys, and share our joys with you.