So I tempted our Facebook followers with news that I would posting a video...and then it totally didn't turn out the way I was expecting. It was still a blast to make and I'm glad I did it, but it wasn't quite the internet fodder I thought it would be. Maybe it will grace the pages of Pinstrosity some day, but that day is not today.
What I do have for you today is my newest love/obsession! My dear friend Manny recently gifted me with two precious and ridiculously amazing lamps that belonged to her Grandmother. To say that I feel honored and loved to now have these items in my possession would be an understatement. They are magnificent. While going through some of Grandma's things they saw the lamps and were reminded of my desert inspired home. While I live in Utah, New Mexico will always be home. When we went to Arizona over Spring break I was giddy with the sight of desert mountains, brown everything and saguaro cactus #truelove. Manny and sweet Mama Kay thought that the lamps would look great in my space and offered them to me. There I was staring at the pictures on my phone with tears of love welling up in my eyes. I am tickled that these ladies love me enough to share these treasures with me.
I received the lamps yesterday and they are SO much better in person than in picture.
The first lamp is by a native New Mexican artist whose signature is GH, any ideas?? I've done some research and can't find exactly who made the piece but would love to know more about it.
The second lamp was made by Grandma Nanneman (she was so multi-talented! Her rhubarb jam is divine by the way). I love them! They are PERFECT for my space! Now I have to pick/make some lampshades!
I have pinned a few ideas, but I would love your help Pinstrositeers!
Here are a few of my ideas, but I am open to anything! I know you all have swoon worthy pin boards and I would love for you to share them with me! I can't wait to see what you have in mind!
I will definitely keep you updated on #projectlamp. To leave things off today here are a few of the pins I took inspiration from when thinking about this project.
I would love to try to make this with watercolors and some thin paper to really make the colors and light pop!
I would love to try this with teal colored beads or even real turquoise beading!
I like the hidden design on this, and since it's underneath you could really do something crazy and get away with it!
I love the feel of this lamp, while I have no intentions of replicating it, because there is some serious artistry happening here I love the idea behind it, there is a very subtle power in the inlaid turquoise.
I think it would be fun to do an Aztec-y design with something like this.
Happy Thursday all!